Boost Your Google Reviews With Review Boost

You’re in contact with your customers every day so why miss the chance to get another Google review?

Increase your reviews, reach, reputation, visibility and sales with just one tap.

Review Boost users are getting over 5x or even 10x their usual reviews every month!

The New Way To Get 5-Star

Google Reviews In Seconds

Watch your reviews increase every day

Say goodbye to ineffective ways of asking for reviews.

Use Our Google Review Tap Card To Collect New Reviews In Seconds.

We Track Every Card Tap So You Can See How Well You Are Doing.

Drastically increase your number of Google reviews by making it so easy for people to leave a review.

Instead of sending an email or just hoping the client or customer will remember later when they're home,

make it easy for them by simply tapping a card on their phone.

This then automatically opens up the correct page for them to leave a review for you...

Latest Review Boost Results

Before using Review Boost, a small Indian Restaurant In London got an average of less than 4 reviews PER MONTH over the last four months.

In their very first week of using Review Boost, they got FIFTEEN new reviews!

Tap Card Pricing

Discover the power of our Review Boost Tap Cards – a cost-effective solution to supercharge your Google reviews. For a one-time investment, your first card is just £29, with additional cards at only £15 each when ordered at the same time. And yes, this includes worldwide delivery!

NO CONTRACT - Buy for £29 - Use forever!

What You Get:

  • High-Quality Cards: Each card is crafted with care, featuring NFC (tap) technology and a QR code to ensure compatibility with all smartphones.
  • Effortless Setup: We pre-configure your cards to link directly to your Google review page. They’re ready to use right out of the box.
  • Instant Activation: The cards work as soon as they arrive, providing a seamless experience for you and your customers.

Bonus Offer: As a special incentive, we’re also offering an (optional) free 30-day trial of our full Review Boost system, guaranteed to multiply your review count by 5 to 10 times.

Here's everything you get in your free trial...

Reduce Bad Reviews

with a Review Gate

The Review Gate is an on/off option in your Review Boost dashboard that helps to reduce the likelihood of bad reviews.

When active, rather than going straight to Google, the first thing the reviewer sees after the card is tapped on their phone is the Review Gate. If they click to say their experience was good, they are then taken straight to Google for the review. If their experience was bad, however, it will then ask them for their feedback on what the problem was. Any feedback they leave at that stage is sent to you, the business owner, rather than going straight on to a bad review. This, therefore, results in fewer bad reviews being left for the business.

Keep Track in your Dashboard

Keep track of all the reviews you receive inside your own dashboard.

You can see your latest reviews as well as the number of new reviews, changes in Google star rating, positive reviews vs negative reviews, reviews gained by each employee etc.

Incentivise Your Staff

to Get Reviews

Each staff member, waiter, waitress etc. has their own tap card and the system tracks the number of reviews collected by the individual person. You can then see how well they're doing, but most importantly, your staff also receive updates and can see an overall leaderboard on how well they're doing that month.

If you wish, you could incentivise this with a small prize each month or just make it for bragging rights for the staff members. The leaderboard shows who's currently in the lead for this month and also shows past monthly winners too.

Special Bonus for the Next 12 11 Customers Only

Take advantage of our free 30-day trial of the Review Boost system and receive Review Responder at no extra cost! Normally an additional £24 per month, Review Responder is yours for free when you sign up for the trial and for as long as you continue to use the full Review Boost system.

Review Responder Highlights:

  • Automated Replies: Uses AI to craft perfect replies to every Google review in seconds.
  • Boost Your Reputation: Businesses that reply to reviews earn 35% more revenue on average
  • Save Time: No more manual responses – Review Responder handles it all.
  • Increase Customer Trust: Personalised replies show customers you value their feedback.
  • Improve SEO: Responding to reviews helps improve your Google rankings, attracting more customers.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer! Sign up for your free 30-day trial of Review Boost today and get Review Responder for free – exclusively for the next 11 customers.

You can see full details of Review Responder (and try a live demo) by Clicking Here.

At the end of your free 30-day trial of the full Review Boost system:

You have two options:

1. Continue Using Your Tap Cards Only: If you decide not to continue with the full system, your Tap Cards will still function perfectly, directing your customers straight to your Google review page indefinitely.

2. Upgrade to the Full System: Continue to experience the incredible benefits of the full Review Boost system. For just £37 per month or £370 per year (giving you 2 months for free), you can keep the full suite of tools that will transform your business.

You have a full 30 days to see the impact and make your choice. No pressure, no commitment – just great results.

It's Fast

It's Simple

It Works!

When you sign up for Review Boost we will configure your cards & ship them to you ready to go!

Each card has a unique link so we can track all of the taps from your employees. Turn it into a friendly contest to see who can get the most reviews.

Your Review Boost system will make it easier than ever for customers to leave a review, which means that far more will leave a review.

It incentivises staff to actually speak to customers about leaving a review and then tap their card on the phone.

It also makes it very easy for you, as the business owner, to track your reviews and see exactly how well your business is doing.

Get Started

To get started and order your Review Boost Tap Cards

and free 30-Day Trial, simply click the button below...


So what exactly do I get for my £29?

You get a credit card sized, high-quality, plastic Tap Card which is pre-configured for your business and ready to use. This is delivered to you anywhere in the world at no-cost and will help you to get far more Google reviews than you do currently.

As soon as you receive it, if you tap the card on a customer's phone, or they scan the QR code on the card, it will take them straight to the page on Google to leave a review for your business. Your card will continue to work for you forever with no further cost to you.

If you decide to also buy additional Tap Cards at the reduced cost of £15 each then they will also work in exactly the same way as mentioned above.

You will also receive an (optional) 30-day free trial of the full Review Boost system. This includes the Review Gate to reduce bad reviews, the Dashboard to monitor and track all of your reviews and the Leaderboard to incentivise your staff to always ask for reviews. And for the next 11 customers, you also get Review Responder for free! This uses AI to write the perfect reply to every review that you get. Review Responder is usually £24 per month just on it's own.

At the end of your 30 day free trial, you can decide to either cancel the full system and just continue using your Tap Card on it's own, or continue with the full Review Boost system (and Review Responder) for £37 per month or £370 per year (which gets you 2 months for free).

You have a full 30 days to see the impact and make your choice. No pressure, no commitment – just great results.

Why do we need more reviews and regular reviews?

This is for two main reasons... Customers and Search Engines.

1. Customers: In this day and age, before we buy anything on Amazon, choose a restaurant to eat at, or decide to use any business, we check their reviews. If they don't have a high star rating or don't have good recent reviews, we move on and look at another option. So you need good reviews on a regular basis so that customers will choose your business.

2. Search Engines: Google and the other search engines want to give their users the best results possible when they do a search. So they want to show them the best businesses first. You guessed it - one of the main ways they decide which businesses are best is by looking at the recent quality reviews. So they will rank a business with lots of quality 4 and 5-star reviews higher than a business with a few 3-star reviews.

What type of businesses does this work for?

The Review Boost system will work for any business that sees its customers or clients face to face and so can tap the card on the customer's phone. As an example, we have users who are hairdressers, restaurants, plumbers, beauty salons, electricians etc.

Do the Tap Cards work on every phone?

The Tap Cards work on both iPhone and Android phones. If your customer has an old non-smartphone though, the Tap Card may not work. There are also some older iPhones where the customer would need to enable the function so that the card works. They do work on the vast majority of phones though, and for the few that don't, we also include a QR code on every card that the customer can scan with their phone instead.

Why does this work better than other methods of asking for a review?

Well, let's consider the other methods...

1. Just asking the customer: This doesn't work because firstly, the customer needs to remember to give a review, then they need to search to try to find where to go to leave the review. Most of the time this just never happens.

2. Sending an email or a text message: For most businesses, this works about once for every 50 or even 100 emails or texts. That's because we all get lots of these emails from Amazon and pretty much everywhere we shop. They do work - but very slowly!

In comparison, with your Tap Cards, the customer is asked right at the time they've had their great experience with you - superb meal, great haircut etc. They're also taken straight to the right place on their phone so they're more likely to leave a review. Also, your staff have the leaderboard incentive and so are more likely to ask the customer for a review each time.

Just give Review Boost a try and you'll see how much better it works!

I'm outside the UK. Can I still use Review Boost?

Yes you can. Getting your Tap Cards to you may take slightly longer as I'll be shipping them from the UK, but shipping costs to any country is included and the Review Boost system works just as well anywhere in the world.

There are also US$ and Euro payment options on the order page so you can pay in your preferred currency.

Is there a lengthy contract?

For your Tap Cards there is no contract. Once you buy them you can continue using them forever.

And once you start using the full Review Boost system we don't think you'll ever want to cancel - but if you do, you can cancel at any time. You can then continue to use Review Boost for the period that you've already paid for, but won't be charged again after that.

If an employee leaves, can a Tap Card be used by someone else?

Yes of course. You can simply log in to your Dashboard and change the employee's name to the new name. The new person will then be able to use the same Tap Card and will appear on the Leaderboard as the new name.

What happens after I place my order?

Once you've placed your order we'll send you an email asking you for some information to enable us to set up your Review Boost system, including the names of the staff that you want to have Tap Cards etc.

We'll then create your Dashboard login, add your staff to the system and create their Tap Cards.

Then we'll send you an email with your Dashboard login info and send you your Tap Cards in the post.

This is normally all done within 48 hours of receiving your order so you'll be able to start getting more reviews within days.

How quickly will we see results?

This is the great thing about Review Boost Tap Cards... most businesses start to see results the very first day they begin using their cards. New 4 and 5-star reviews which immediately get seen by new potential customers. All leading to more business for you as well as higher rankings in the search engines.

If I take the 30-day free trial but decide not to continue with the full Review Boost system, will my Tap Cards still work?

Yes they will. We are confident that you will see the benefits of the full system and so will want to keep it for the long term. But if you don't, your Tap Cards will still work and will still direct your customers straight to your Google Reviews page.

Got other questions or want to discuss how Review Boost could work in your business?

If you have any other questions or would like to chat about using Review Boost in your business, then you have several options...

1. Book a free, no-obligation chat with us at a time of your choosing by Clicking Here.

2. Call us on +44 1283 515606

3. Email

Start boosting your reviews...

Click the order button below now and you'll be able to see the difference that Review Boost can make to your business within days!

I know that you're going to be impressed with how many more reviews you get every single month when you're using your Tap Cards and the Review Boost system. But even more, I know you're going to love the extra customers that they will bring to your business in the coming months.

So click the button above now and you can be getting more Google reviews within just the next few days.

Best regards,

ps Like to listen to audio? Here's a 9-minute deep-dive into the benefits of using Review Boost and what it will do for your business...

Disclaimer: Review Boost is not a part of the Google website or Google Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Google in any way. Google is a trademark of Google, Inc.

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